Wednesday, September 5, 2007

SOS updates and a greyt dogger

So, there's one sock (to be a pair after the State Fair), and the beginnings of the State Fair socks. There's a good ol' hound looking after the knitting to make sure I'm doing it right (and to eat any fluffy bits of yarn that I might miss in cleaning up). I give him credit - he has exceptional taste, and always goes for the most expensive yarns. But, here we have one completed Jitterbug "Jewel" sock, using a plain vanilla 56-stitch pattern based on More Sensational Socks.

Next to that, in a lovely Terra Cotta colorway, is the beginning to my State Fair entry. Embossed Leaves socks in Louet Gems fingering weight (how does one pronounce that company's name? Lou-ette? Loo-ay?). Click on this picture to see a *much* bigger version.

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